Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Blog

Well, one new post deserves another. I'm posting a new blog I started this morning. It's a requirement to get credits for my internship, so it's school related. Check it out if you're interested, but I'm not sure you will be... I suppose you might be if you're interested in municipal management.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A New Post (Holy Cow!!)

For anyone who still checks this blog occasionally or has it on their google reader and saw that there was a new post after a few years... You are in for a treat!

In the case that it was not recommended elsewhere I have decided since these two blogs are so good, I would post them here.

This one posts some funny events in the legal news.

This one applies legal concepts to comic book situations.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Check it out. Sparklehorse/Danger Mouse free CD online, in collaboration with David Lynch.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Arizona here we come

Now here's a blog, dealing with a serious issue. Via Woot, enjoy. I clicked around on the blog itself, not bad and kind of funny but I've seen funnier.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday pick me up

Because Monday can be hard and sometimes a boost can help... I present Thanks to Sarah for the link there, and here's this... my favorite picture, and one that will make your family seem more normal...Two things here that are priceless, and may not be noticed at first glance: first the sisters are holding hands too. As if there isn't enough awkwardness in this photo. Also the studio was Glamour Shots. I think that says it all.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Listen Up

Back when they existed I was a pretty big Grandaddy fan. Come to think of it, even though they're gone I still like them, which is why I'm posting this. The link is to an NPR first listen of Jason Lytle's (lead singer of Grandaddy) new album.
Listen to the whole thing for free, I've given it one listen through and give it a definite thumbs up. I'll also be posting a Grandaddy track to the SPs and one of Jason's if I can find any.

Sounds about right...

A car crash and a new Nic Cage movie... yeah about the same amount of fun. Allow me to state the obvious... Nic Cage and Nic Cage movies by association suck. So this is just a sign... don't wast your money seeing this next year (you can thank me later). Apparently, I'm not the only one who has doubts about this picture. Speaking of pictures, isn't one worth about a thousand words? To conclude my argument (against this movie) I present my coup-de-grace. I'm going to go ahead and give that a minute to sink in for you...

Anyway, read this (I especially like the last part of the scenario generator) and then this (watch out for some swears in that second link, also they're by the same guy so a little repetitive but funny). Just remember, the next time you see a Nic Cage movie you're going to roll your eyes and wish you'd not bothered; you've been warned.